MY Current Hair Care routine August 2016- Healthy hair/transitioning journey.

A while ago you guys would have noticed that I have been transitioning, due mostly to the failing health of my hair with extreme breakage, uneven length and dryness and
worst of all, my edges where non existent. I could not pull my hair in a bun or do any hairstyles that required an exposed frontal look. That was practically every hair style “minus the wear-a-face-cap” style of course lol.

Anyways I was forced to allow my hair just grow, had to leave it fallow with minimal handling and increased care.
In a bid to get this process right, I went all over searching for information about the proper way to transition, wash, detangle,  condition and moisturise my hair. From you tube to Google  (yes Google is your friend!) to other social media sites, I was bombarded with all sorts of info from the bizarre like "onion hair mask" for hair growth and "mud hair mask" to common items like coconut oil therapies etc.
I finally realised I had to start with the basics and just listen to my hair, if I use a product and it works well for my hair, I stick with it! If it doesn’t,  I move on to the next item.
I also try to look at the science behind a product before I try it. I am also not one for ridiculously expensive products that promise hair growth up to the bottom (no thanks).
Pills? Please don’t go there, I will stick with eating vegetables and fruits.

My focus in this hair journey is a healthy head of hair that can be flipped (or pinned) in any direction without it looking strange thanks to a receding hairline. I also just hate combing through my hair only to see strands falling out with very minimal handling.  That is my experience now and I am not having any mercy on my relaxed ends at all. Just cutting them off at the slightest provocation!

I have always had shoulder length -bra strap length relaxed hair hence the desire for a long term transitioning process so as to skip the awkward “short hair “ phase. Plus I am not sure I will not cry my eyes out after leaving the salon after having a hair cut.
Will I continue natural, texlax or even loc my hair when I achieve my healthy hair goal? Well am not too sure yet, I am loving the springy feel of my new growth as it comes out .
Obviously tight hairstyles are out as well as vigorous hair brushing.

This post is about sharing my current hair care routine.

Hair butter (a DIY recipe which I will share in due course)
Aloe vera gel (by Fruit of The Earth )
Coconut oil (to seal)
Hydrating/ conditioning leave in spray ( sometimes I use just water)
My hair butter. I am fast running out,  so I have bought some blocks of raw African shea butter to make another batch. 
I usually like pouring out my oils from the big containers to smaller ones because of ease of handling and minimal waste that would occur with accidental spillage.

WEEKLY (when my hair is out and not in a protective style)
Co wash with my V05 conditioner
Cantu Shea Leave In Conditioner on my new growth. I will write an in depth review of how I use this product as well as its pros and cons.  ( this makes my hair so soft, I love it! I am on my 3rd tub now, and I have no intentions of leaving it!
Coconut oil to seal

Deep conditioning with Queen Helene Cholesterol ,  which I leave for sometime covered with a plastic cap. This takes the place of co washing on these days.

Shampoo with V05 shampoo.- this is a really lovely clarifying shampoo. Yes I know that it contains “sulphates” but I find it good at cleansing and non -stripping . This for me is an awesome balance in a shampoo that I look for, I tried them “sulphate -free” shampoos, different brands at that and I did not like them at all. My hair still ended up feeling very greasy after wards with residue. I ended up running out of the shampoos quickly because I found myself using a lot more on wash days. In the spirit of “listening to my hair”, I decided to chuck them out, research for a good shampoo and landed The V05.
I must say , I am loving it’s effect.
I am also considering trying out the African black soap, for its organic and clarifying properties.

Trimming-this I practically do monthly. I know this is excessive,  but my stringy, bone straight relaxed ends tend to get “ knottier” than usual so I just end up snipping them off regularly.

Sleeping with a silk scarf- I try , honestly but I am sometimes so tired that I just fall asleep on my pillows  without the scarf. Maybe I will just get a silk pillow case!

Oiling my edges and wearing my hair in loose plaits under a wig

Alternating protective hairstyles with periods of just letting my hair be! No tight hair styles or heavy braids, still not installing (or fixing weaves yet, don't know If I ever would!)
I try to keep my regimen as simple as possible so that it is not burdensome, easily reproducible and as such I can readily detect if something is not "werking for me". Time to chuck that product out!

I also try to get products that have different oils, so I can let my hair enjoy the rich and unique properties of each oil!
Got  back-up for my Cantu Leave-in-conditioning repair cream. Swapped the Shea butter version for Argan  oil, since my hair butter already has a shea butter Base. 

I recently added Black Castor oil (Kuza Jamaican Black Castor Oil) to my regimen, I apply to my scalp and edges, massaging with my fingertips to improve blood circulation especially in areas of hair loss. Fingers crossed, let's see how well it works!

This is my current hair regimen, but as always may change, if I find better products or if the results I get are not encouraging ( I may need a new deep conditioner soon!)

Stay blessed 
Till my next post!


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